At 8:45 we left the marina for the train station to catch the commuter train into the city. We had passes that Joyce had printed off the computer for a 2 p.m. tour of Ground Zero plus we wanted to try to see a play.. Our marina manager made 2 trips to get all six of us to the station. We can see the station just behind the marina and if there had not been a fence there we could have walked the 1,000 yards to it but it would have been at least a 20 minute walk to go around the fence.
Bill, Skip, Tom & Carl |
While we were waiting on our train another looper couple on Radiance came in as well on their way to the city to meet their niece. We have seen them a few times before the first being in Delaware City.
Ricki, Barb, Tom's wife and Joyce |
Commuter Train Station |
Grand Central Terminal |
The commuter stopped at Grand Central Terminal then we had to catch a subway shuttle downtown to the Trade Center area.
Ticket Line |
We had heard from another looper (Rickshaw) that discounted show tickets could be purchased in the Seaport area on Fulton Street for 50% off. When we got there the line was about a block long but it only took 45 minutes for us to get to the window and make our purchases. All 6 of us decided on the same show.
The Coram Family |
While in the line we met Sam Coram who has relatives in Pleasants County that we know and has visited there many times. He lives on the eastern shore of Lake Michigan and invited us to contact him when we travel through that area.
Intra structure problem |
Walking back to Ground Zero we passed this hole in a intersection that makes our problems at home seem insignificant. Most of these pipes look totally shot.
Lunch |
We have seen these hamburger joints many times during our travels but this was the first time we have stopped. Fantastic !!!
New WTC buildings |
Memorial Pools |
Surviving Tree |
Surviving Tree |
Our understanding is that this tree was found in the wreckage and has been relocated in the memorial area.
Times Square |
After our tour we took the subway again back to the Times Square area and spent the rest of the afternoon exploring which included stops at Bubba Gumps for refreshments, the Disney Store along with several other stops before Ricki & I went to the Marriott across the street from the theater for a light snack before the show.

We met the others at the theater at 7:30 for the show which by the way was terrific. It had several stars in it including Eric McCormack (Will & Grace), James Earl Jones, Angela Lansbury, John Larroquette (Night Court) and Candace Bergman. The show was over at 10:40 p.m. and we had to fight the Times Square night time crowd for 4 blocks (all the shows are ending at this time) to catch a subway to Grand Central Terminal for the next to last train at 11:15 back to Croton. The subway was actually closing the doors when we got there and the next one wasn't due for another 5 minutes. We got to the train station at 11:05 and I am sure you can get the visual of 6 old people hauling butt through the station looking for track 35. We barely made it!!! We arranged a couple cabs to meet us at the station at midnight for the $8 ride back to the marina.
Sunday will definitely be a day of rest for us.
Sounded like a wonderful day in the City!