The tides at Hoffman's Marina are over 5 foot and the current runs at 4 to 6 mph according to the marina.
Current at Dock |
We waited until 10:25 to cast off with low tide almost in place so we didn't have a lot of current to deal with at the railroad bridge. The opening we had to go through is very narrow and intimidating to us.
NJ Commuter |
As we were getting ready with engines running we heard the horn on the bridge and had to wait on a commuter train to pass before the bridge could go up.
Atlantic Ocean |
Today the ocean was 2 to 4 foot rollers and turned out to be a pretty nice day to travel a short 38 miles.
Sandy Hook, NJ |
We turned around Sandy Hook and headed south toward the marina at 2 p.m. We still had another 30 to 45 minutes of travel left.
Manhattan Ferry |
A couple miles out of the marina the ferry passed us like we were standing still. Bill had seen it on his AIS but didn't realize it was coming that fast so I called him on the VHF when it was approaching his starboard side.
Nice Yacht |
This beauty was anchored just outside the breakwater for the marina. It was about this time I realized that the pressure on my starboard transmission was dropping and shifted into neutral to preserve what fluid I had left so I would have its use in docking. Turns out the same nipple on the pressure gauge on the side of the transmission had failed again probably due to the mechanic leaning on it when installing the shifter cable. No problem, just a quick trip to the hardware store and all is well ... again.
Looking at Moor $tuff |
Carried Away is docked on our port side and Moor $tuff is across the dock.
Next Door Neighbor |
On our starboard is this little 150 footer.
Eye Candy on Next Door Neighbor |
With these guys doing the cleaning and waxing.
Captains at Rest |
Adult beverages were enjoyed on Carried Away at 6 p.m. Tomorrow we plan to get underway about 9:30 or 10 a.m. for the trip through NY Harbor. Moor $tuff will cross their wake when we go under the Verranzzo Bridge. It has only taken them 5 years and over 17,000 miles to get to this spot so I guess they have taken a lot of side trips.
Our position tonight is: n 40 25.029 W 074 01.886
Watch out for bird strikes!