Monday was "sleep in day" after such a long day Sunday. About noon Skip & I walked up to the marina office to talk to Tim, the marina owner and weather geru, to see what he was predicting for the next few days. According to him, a window would happen on Tuesday and if we left at 11 a.m. we would be leaving on a slack tide and would catch the 5 to 6 foot tide push about noon and could make to Cape May by late afternoon.
Skip getting a back scratch |
With this possible leaving in mind, Barb caught up her laundry and the ladies made plans to go into town and get provisions. Tim had talked the local beautician, Julie, into opening her shop for a few us us to get haircuts.
Moor $tuff & Quest |
Tim the marina owner |
Tim provided transportation for the 3 or 4 block ride to the beauty shop.
Skip getting clipped |
Before it was over Julie had a least 4 or 5 guys and several ladies get trimmed. She did a fine job.
Chesapeake Smile
After all of Ricki's hard work cleaning the Dismal Swamp off of the bow, we got another "smile" traveling through the brackish water between Annapolis and Delaware City.
Busted |
This is what the captain's do while the ladies were shopping.
Dinner @ Crabby Dick's |
Dinner was at Crabby Dick's for their famous Monday night special of $5 hamburgers.
Loopers |
Many loopers are now in the marina and we all hit the restaurant for the special. We were even joined by a couple "live aboards" that are in the marina.
More Loopers |
Practical Joke |
My friend (I use that term loosely) told the waitress that is was my birthday so he could help me eat the cake.
Engine Checks |
With an open water run to Cape May pending, all the fluids and visual check of the engines was in order.
The marina at Cape May was full when we called for reservations but they were looking for a few of the boats to leave Tuesday morning and would give us a call before 11 a.m. to confirm room for us. If there isn't room we may stay here and wait on the next window.
Safe travels and glad to lurk on your activities again! Hope to pay you a visit at some point this summer! :)