Wednesday, June 1, 2011

Jacksonville Beach, FL - 5/31/11

Moor $tuff, Lucky One & Quest left Rivers Edge Marina at 9:30 this morning for the 35 mile run to Jacksonville Beach. We did not go on into Jacksonville today for a couple reasons, it was another 17 mile or so plus we have to time the tide on the St. Johns River because if it is going out we will fight a very strong current.

Leaving St. Augustine was very nice. The light house is out on the island between the ocean and the AICW.

This bridge is know as the Bridge of Lions due to the 2 lion statues on the western approach which were a gift to Henry Flagler.

Our dock buddy at Rivers Edge left about an hour before us but we caught up with him at the bridge as he had to get an opening for his 45 foot mast. Mike bought the boat on the east coast of Florida and is taking it home to Boston. The little 4 cylinder Mercedes engine will only move him at 5 mph so he was planning on going out in the ocean to sail as much as possible.

After the bridge we passed the San Marcos fort on our port side.

If you can enlarge this photo you will see an orange airplane that was performing stunts over us for quite awhile. There were times that he would go straight up through the clouds vertically until his engine quit then you would see him fall and restart the engine. What a show.

Our trip today was uneventful ... nobody went aground or anything. We did have to run about half the trip against the tide which knocked a couple mph off our speed but when we went with it the opposite happened so I guess it evened out.

Tomorrow we will start into the St. Johns River for the 150 mile run to Sanford. This will be like going into old Florida when we get past Jacksonville.

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