Tuesday, May 31, 2011

St. Augustine, FL - 5/30/11

Memorial Day found Ricki & I ready to just hang around the boat and do little chores since we have had all the sun and heat that we wanted for the past couple days touring the town. In our job jar for today was to catch up laundry and inventory all the food on board to get ready to move up the St. Johns River. Our food supplies are not only in the galley, but also in the chest freezer and the front cabin. We had bought a lot of things in case we ended up in the Bahamas for a month and a lot of it is still in boxes.
As you can see from the pilings, the tide here is nearly 4 feet. This is the floating dock that we are tied to.

Lucky One is tied to the T-dock at the other end of our dock. Yesterday Lucky One was hit on the bow by the sailboat that was in the slip beside him as it was moving out into the river. The incident bent his stainless anchor and trapped a passenger's leg on the sailboat between the boats as he was trying to avoid the damage. Huen will have to go to the sailboat's insurance agent Tuesday morning to file the claim for the $1,500 anchor.

Quest's home for the past few days ....

And Moor $tuff ......

This is the walkway off the docks at low tide. It is much steeper than it looks and a little slick.

From the parking lot looking at our boat. This marina is probably 95% sailboats with very few power boats. It has recently been purchased by new owners and appears to be in the process of being upgraded, however the guide book indicated cable and a pool which doesn't exist yet. When we arrived there were several old boats in the parking lot but they have now gone away.

Oh ... did I mention it was hot here? 100 degrees outside but a comfortable 71 degrees inside the boat.

Tomorrow we will be leaving for Palm Cove Marina at Jacksonville Beach as soon as Huen gets his insurance deal done. It is only about 30 miles so it won't be a long day unless we hit a bunch of no wake areas. Wednesday we will start up the St. Johns River and hope to get past Jacksonville which is about 15 miles.

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