This is a small island a few hundred yards off their beach that can be rented for only $2,000 per week.
The Bay is very pretty however swimming is not recommended at this beach.
Here's part of the reason .... that is actually sea grass from the bushes out to the boat. It looks like solid ground, but it isn't at all.
I wish I could say this is part of the Valentine gift to my bride, but it is the result of a bad experience with her curling iron. Regardless I still look proud when people stare!
Skip & Barb got to their slip about 2:30 and we had celebratory drinks to see each other because we had not been with them since the Gulf crossing. they went North to Tarpon Springs and we went South to St. Petersburg after Clearwater.
Dan & Biddi arriving at the Hurricane for our taco dinner.
The group picture with Biddi leaning back just as it was snapped.
Tomorrow we plan to give the boat a bath and put the final varnish coat on the eyebrow teak. It should be ready to re-install by Thursday.
Coded message to Gladys: all envelopes still intact!
OK - I tried to put the pictures in the center position again and found out some of them cannot be enlarged. Doesn't make sense but I will revert back to the left/right positions next blog.
Sounds like all is well in the Keys!