Saturday, September 8, 2012

Hoppie's Marina, Kimmswick, MO - 9/7/12

The sun was shinning and things looked good to leave this morning until we looked at the weather and saw the storm that was predicted for later in the day.  We discussed the options with Blue Heron and decided that we wanted to be securely tied to the dock as opposed to being caught either on the water or in an anchorage.

Hoppie's Marina

Hoppie's Marina
 The marina is very rustic but the folks here couldn't be more friendly.

 Once we decided to stay the next decision was where do we want to eat breakfast.  So we walked the 1/2 mile to town .....


 And stopped at the ONLY restaurant in town and had a fantastic breakfast.

Paper Towels and Bread
We asked our server where we could get some bread and paper towels and was told that there was not a store in town but they would sell us some of theirs.  That's hospitality!!!

After breakfast Ricki walked around town shopping in the several quaint stores while I went back to the boat to change oil in all three motors and fix a cranky front stateroom head.

City Hall


The Storm
5:30 p.m. saw cocktails on Quest and then the storm hit.  So glad we did decide to stay put because it rained hard and the wind blew just as hard.  We spent some time under the dock roof talking with Fern and Hoppie about the plight of their marina with the river so low and the silting problem created by the Corp of Engineers by placing a wing dam close to the marina.

Tomorrow we have decided to leave at dawn and with a strong current try to make it 158 miles to the Ohio River to make up for the day we stayed here.

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