Wednesday, August 15, 2012

Charlevoix City Marina, Charlevoix, MI - 8/14/12

It was a really nice day outside so we decided to walk around town a little to check out some sights we had heard about.  Marc's Ark left early for points on down Lake Michigan.

Marina Park
 The marina grounds are second to none that we have seen so far on this trip.

Nice Car
 As we walked through the downtown area this little jewel caught our eye.

Weather Vane
This is supposed to be the largest weather vane in the country.

Lake Michigan
 A couple blocks from downtown we had this view.

Lake Michigan
 A builder in Charlevoix, Earl Young, had a whole different idea in building homes.  The following pictures are of several of his homes that have picked up the name of Mushroom houses.  Check out the roofs and chimneys in particular.

This statue is outside their library which was huge.  Charlevoix has a permanent population of 3,000 which swells to 30,000 in the summer.  There are many large cottages around the lake that are only used in the summer and have no insulation or heating systems.

My bride did a little shopping downtown while I went to the grocery store to pick up a few items.

Kathy and Edie
Mid afternoon she returned and along with her partners in crime, left again to shop some more.

Water Spouts at the Marina Office

Looper tradition tonight included Queen Kathleen, Seaquel, Rickshaw and Quest.  After docktails we invited all of them to our boat for dinner.  Looks like we are all leaving tomorrow at 8:20 in order to catch the 8:30 opening of the bridge.

Rickshaw Leaving
Rickshaw was anchored out in Round Lake and had a 15 minute dinghy ride back to their boat.

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