Sunday, July 8, 2012

Fraser Park Marina, Trenton, ON - 7/8/12

This morning the marina virtually cleared out at 8 a.m. with most of the loopers heading west including Quest & Marc's Ark.  Our intended destination was Picton, ON.

Leaving Confederation Basin

43 foot Kha Shing Vista - KARMA
 We passed our friends on KARMA shortly after leaving since we traveled at 9.5 mph and they were traveling at 8 mph. This is like our boat but 3 feet longer and a different layout.

Following Marc's Ark
 About noon we decided that since we were almost at Picton ... let's go on to Trenton.  Why not!!

Turn right at the light

Frashers Park Marina
Both of us had a full holding tank and needed fuel so we stopped first at the fuel dock then on to our assigned slip.OK .. do the math - 260 liters for $361.59.  I think it was a bit expensive!

 Several other looper boats were either here or pulled in after us so we had to get together at 5:30 for the ritual of adult beverages and food.

Gateway to Trent-Severn
 Here is where we are.

Our friends on Blue Heron
Craig and Barb have two of the nicest dogs with them.

Today was 71 miles - no locks and we got here at 3:30 p.m.  Good run!

Tomorrow we are entering the Trent-Severn Canal which is 240 miles and 44 more locks.  This will dump us into the Georgian Bay and a whole new world of the North Channel and Lake Heron.

Our position here is:  N 44 06 .095    W 077  34.449

1 comment:

  1. Shouldn't take more than 6 days! Anxious to see pix of Quest on the 'Big Chute'!
