Sunday, May 8, 2011

Palm Beach Shores, FL - 5/7/11

Moor $tuff, Lucky One and Quest left Delray Harbor Marina at 10:15 a.m. after Huen and Skip spent some time looking to see if they could determine why Lucky One had an engine running too warm. We wanted to reach Cannonsport Marina in Palm Beach Shores which is north of West Palm beach across from Peanut Island.

We again encountered several bridges that needed to be raised for us to pass through. Thanks to Skip's analytical mind, he calculated the speed we needed to maintain to get to the next lock scheduled opening. They open at different times such as on the half hour, every 20 minutes or on the quarter hour so it is a job to see what needs done to make the next lock without a long wait.

Here is a large Skipperliner coming thru one lock. Since it was a commercial craft (charter), it had priority for locking through.

We also passed many pretty parks. Everything looked well manicured and clean.

Couldn't help looking at all the BIG houses along the AICW.

This Trumpy yacht was in a marina we passed.

The marinas all had very big yachts. We sure look small compared to these giants.

This one had a helicopter on the top deck.

We passed Peanut Island as we approached our marina. We hope to get to tour it tomorrow since it has the Kennedy bunker on it. The island was formed with the spoils dredged out of the channel over the years.

The island has nice beaches and attracts campers ......

And parties ......

And more parties and raft ups.

As we were turning off the AICW toward our marina, this craft loaded with babes cut across our bow.

Looks like a bad day for someone.

The marina originally had us tie up side by side in fixed slips but as the tide was going down, Ricki could not stretch her short legs far enough to get off so they moved us to a T-dock on the end of the same dock. As we left the fixed slip I did not take into consideration the swift current created by the falling tide and just about had a nasty encounter with a big sport boat anchor on the boat at the end of the dock. Our electric cord caught the anchor and almost put us in the cement piling but we got out with minor damage, mostly to my pride.

We are tied on our starboard side to the dock and on our port side about 50 yards is a sand bar that is exposed at low tide and becomes a playground.

The problem with that is that all boats in the channel come very close to our boat.

Our position is N 26 46.820 W 80 02.449

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