Saturday, May 14, 2011

Cocoa, FL - 5/13/11

Blogspot was down on Wednesday/Thursday due to maintenance issues so we were not able to post anything for Thursday but as it turns out, we decided to stay another day at Melbourne and accomplish more boat chores that are on my / Ricki's list. Our stateroom head took leave on us a couple days ago so while Ricki headed to the laundry room at the marina, I headed (no pun intended) for the "brown" room. Turned out to be an easy fix with just manually running the vacuum pump and all was well. Since she had a pile of dirty laundry and would be gone awhile, I rebuilt the kitchen faucet and cleaned out the stinky bilge water. Dinner that evening was at the marina restaurant which was very busy.

Friday morning we left early at 8:30 a.m. for Cocoa Village Marina which was a run of 19 miles. We will stay here thru Monday night so we can get some canvas work done and watch the shuttle launch which is just across the island from us. That is something that we all want to see since it is the final shuttle trip.

Another shot of leaving Melbourne Harbor. When we entered the channel leading to the marine Wednesday, we ran softly aground in the middle of the channel so when we left we hugged the north (red) markers and never had less than 2 feet under the boat.

Our trip up the Indian River was mostly uneventful until we got about half way and the love bugs hit with vengeance.

These little monsters are everywhere and you just have to wait until late afternoon when they seem to either die or go away to vac them up. We are having a zipper repaired for one of our sundeck windows and had to tape towels over the hole to try to keep them out. The evening was much more enjoyable with a walk around this cute town with our friends Skip & Barb and Huen & Cricket then dinner at a pizza place. They make pizzas 24 inches in diameter so one piece filled a meat plate and was very good.

Our position according to the marina brochure is N 28 21.4 W 80 43.5 at AICW MM 897.5

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