Tuesday, March 8, 2011

Boggy Key Anchorage - 3/7/11

We pulled out of Burdine's Marina at 8:30 a.m. in order to meet Skip & Barb on Hawk Channel in an hour at Key Colony. They were also leaving at the same time in order to go to a marina for a pump out then on to Hawk Channel. We traveled about 2 hours in the Atlantic Ocean before turning into Channel 5 and back into Florida Bay and joined the ICW. Beside passing thru several areas of verrry skinny water with mud flats on each side of the boat, we dodged what seemed like millions of crab traps. We pulled into our anchorage near Key Largo (Boggy Key
N 25 07.918 W 80 25.910) at 3:30 p.m. having traveled 60 miles today. The anchorage is about 8 ft deep and you can see the chain and anchor laying in the grassy bottom it is so clear. There are 8 to 10 boats in this spot. After Pizza with the Johnson's we watched a few episodes of Glee and turned in to bed. We could only get 2 channels on TV and both were Spanish speaking so we had to resort to DVD's.

Meeting Moor $tuff on Hawk Channel in the Atlantic Ocean

Leaving Burdine's Marina

Looking East on the Atlantic toward Africa.
Looking West on the Atlantic (Hawk Channel) toward Key Colony
Mud flat beside the channel..... if you can see the bird's feet ......

Channel 5 Bridge

Sunset at anchor

The anchorage

Guess you will have to sort out the pictures and captions. The blog program is not playing well with me tonight.

1 comment:

  1. Don Gearhart meet a former Banker friends at lake Tahoe last week. Jim Bennett from Calhoun Banks. Jim sez Hi! When do you plan to go to Marsh Harbor?
