Tuesday, February 22, 2011

Marathon, FL - 2/20/11 & 2/21/11 - (days 23 & 24)

On Sunday (2/20) I needed to put another coat of non-skid on the front deck and Ricki had spotted a quilting display in the newspaper that was about 30 miles away, so we each did our own thing. I encouraged her to go since I knew she would be gone most of the day and I could watch the Daytona 500 undisturbed. She took over 73 pictures but I just picked out a few to put here. As you can see these were quite pretty quilts.

Her trip took her over several stretches of water per the example.

Dinner was on the boat later in the evening.
On Monday (2/21) we had planned to go to Key West with Skip & Barb but Skip was just getting over a cold and we decided to wait until Wednesday. So Ricki & I put the storage boxes back on the front deck and secured them then went to the pool for the afternoon. Skip & Barb joined us for hamburgers on the grill. Apparently I have now caught the cold and feel like crap so will probably lay low tomorrow. We still have a couple small jobs to do on the boat but the big one are done. Our plans for the rest of the week .... Wednesday - Key West; Thursday - go over to Banana Bay for a looper get together; Friday - sight see; Saturday - Islamorada for a big nautical flea market and then spend a couple days preparing to leave next week.

1 comment:

  1. Beware of pirates! Don't want to hear any more bad news about 'Quest'! Don't forget your Bahamian Colors!
