Moor $tuff - Skip and Barb. We s
topped at the Seafood Grill for a late lunch them walked around the town to do a little window shopping since most of the stores were closed. This is a wonderful little town which at one time was the Sponge Exchange for Florida. Check out the building and sign along with the unique drinking fountain which is on the side of the old building. Of course the ladies did find a nautical store to
some time before we went on over to Carrabelle where we made reservations for our boats at the Moorings for 1/10 so that we will be positioned for the Gulf crossing. After discussions with the folks at the Moorings, we have decided to make the crossing using the "Big Bend Route" which will consist of 2 daylight trips of 80 to 85 miles each 

compared to an overnight crossing of 18 to 20 hours and about 170 miles. The only drawback to this plan is that it will take a couple good weather days for the trip and at this time of the year they could be several days apart. But this will allow us to visit "Old Florida" which we understand is quite unique. Carabelle is also home to the smallest police station in the world which I would guess if it is OK for superman, then .....

When we returned to the marina and was walking back to the boat, a jellyfish was swimming by which we caught on a video as well and will be posted separately.
I'm trying to second guess your float plan from Carrabelle. Will you go for Steinhatchee, Horseshoe Beach or Suwannee for the 1st day out?