Friday, January 28, 2011

Ft. Myers - 1/26/11 & 1/27/11

Looks like I slacked again and have to put two days in the same post. On Wednesday (1/26) we went with the Hanna's to the Manatee Park for a very interesting tour. If I understood correctly, manatees are mammals that have a lot of human design. Their flippers have a skeleton structure that resembles a human hand with 5 fingers and a thumb.
Their jaw bones have teeth that as they wear out new ones form in the jaw bone and move forward to replace the worn ones that fall out. They call that marching teeth.
They passed around a rib from one as well as the rib from a cow to make the comparison. The manatee rib is solid and is their weight belt to hold them under the water. They only come up for air and it was almost impossible to get a good picture but this is what we got. We also learned that although they can hear they have no way of determining direction and so they just for deep water therefore ... manatee zones and no wake areas.
On Thursday (1/27) we played tourist again and went to the Edison Ford Museum. Edison was quite the genius. Although deaf from scarlet fever he was able to get over 1,065 patents during his life and at least 1 for 65 consecutive years.

For my gear head friends ... a Ford flat head engine.

For my day dreaming wife .......

There is a Banyon tree on the estate that covers a whole acre. It started out 80 years ago about 2 foot tall and is quite a marvel. The original idea was to make rubber out of it but Edison shortly found out that Florida was not wet or humid enough for the tree to produce. He eventually made rubber out of a goldenrod plant! Going thru his lab as it was in the 30's was a real treat.

Henry Ford had a interesting life. Apparently he was a ladies man and had several flings on the side one which fathered a child. Since being an unwed mother was not acceptable in the 20's, he paid a co worker to marry the woman. He and Edison were great friends and lived beside each other when in Florida.

Again .. for my gear head friends ... a model T and model A that were on display.

Tomorrow (1/28) we will be moving on down to Marco Island Yacht Club, a run of 59 miles then we will leave Saturday morning early for Marathon and Sombraro Marina and Resort. That will be somewhere between 80 and 90 miles of open gulf to get there.

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