Saturday, January 22, 2011

Bradenton, FL - 1/21/11

When we woke up this morning the fog had settled in big time although the temperatures were still in the low 60's. I walked to the end of the dock several times to see if visibility was getting any better. About 10 a.m. I talked to the captain of the S/V Amazing Grace that was docked in front of us who also was waiting to leave for Venice and we decided to check the computers for weather info and should be able to leave by 11. At 10:30 he came by the boat and said he was ready and did we want to go with him. We both pulled out into the bay but it wasn't very far when visibility got closer. After several miles Amazing Grace decided to turn back but we felt confident to press on.

We had Christine, husband Greg and both daughters on board for the trip to Twin Dolphin Marina at Bradenton. One of the perils of having an ex Navy man onboard is that he wants to "neaten" everything including the ropes.
We all now know Ricki's fascination with the dolphins, and it still continues. She was so afraid that due to the fog they wouldn't show up for the grandkids but they didn't disappoint her.

Visibily at times varied fron about a quarter mile to almost a mile then got significantly worse as we were leaving Tampa Bay and approached the Sunshine Parkway Bridge. This shot was taken about 1/2 mile away.

This one was practically going under the bridge. Thank God for good electronics and radar.
We got to the marina about 2:05 after 37 miles however due to a flooding tide and gusty winds, backing into the slip was more than a challenge. I bumped the starboard pole on the first attempt and had to give it another try. This time I bumped it harder resulting in a little cosmetic damage to the swim platform. Almost as soon as we got tied up and all the cords attached the wind subsided. Go figure.

The marina has a very nice upscale restaurant on the premises so we walked over for dinner but couldn't resist a picture with the grandkids in front of the manatee overlooking the marina.

Too bad the table had been cleared or you could have seen the sinful deserts this bunch ordered.
We will be here until Sunday when our guests fly back to snowy Pennsylvania and we leave for Venice, FL. That will be a 1 night stay before heading on to Ft. Myers.

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