Wednesday, December 1, 2010
Dog River Marina (day thirteen) - 12/1/10
At 6 a.m. this morning activity outside the boat woke us up and when I went out to see what was going on, they were preparing to get us out of the water and install the new shaft. All went very well and at 9:30 we had the shaft in, new zincs, reconditioned props and ready to give her a trial run. The boat ran beautifully, much smoother than ever before, except ... when the mechanic went into the holy place to check everything, he reported a fuel leak. Long story short ... we are still here and I just received a call from the main man here at the repair facility and he told me that he just returned from the local Cummins dealer and realistically it looks like a Friday repair. They are trying to locate the throttle seals and o rings tomorrow but probably won't get them in time to fix us on Thursday. This screws up all our plans to leave Florida Sunday with my sister for WV so I guess we will have to get other transportation home later next week. All we can say is that everything happens for a reason. If this fuel leak had gone undetected for any length of time we could have had a major issue on our hands. My only response is that we are close to having all the fun we can afford!
Keep up the faith Brother!