After checking with the lock a couple miles down stream and informed of a long wait, we decided since it was raining pretty hard and hopes to make our planned anchorage before dark was getting slim, we signed up for another night. The three captains had a meeting and discussed our anchoring options for the next couple nights in order to get to Mobile around the 18th. The restaurant here at the marina is open for lunch and dinner so we met for lunch, which was very good, then Ricki and Barb took the courtesy car shopping. Plans for this evening involved inviting the Canadian couple on "Old Grouch" that we had met several times starting at Green Turtle, to join the other six of us for a chili dinner on Next Endeavour. Ricki fixed the chili and the others kicked in the sides.
We have discovered that boaters midnight is 9 p.m. Usually our dinners/happy hours or any type get together ends before that and quite often we find ourselves in bed with a movie before 8:30 p.m. I will never make fun of "old people" again who go to bed early!
Tomorrow morning we are going to check the status of the lock around 7 a.m. and hope to head out shortly therafter. We will be anchoring for the next couple nights and anticipate no cell or air card coverage so this may be the last post until Mobile around the 18th.
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